III-V crystals growth technology now switch from CZ method to VGF method. VGF method, comparing to CZ allows to decrease EPD parameter up to 10 times.
It is the reason many III-V growing factories actively developing and increasing VGF production.
BST can offer turn-key solution for III-V VGF growing process. Including:
VGF furnace
Synthesis furnace
De-Oxygenation furnace
Installation, training, consultancy and technology transfer.
We create the concepts of the customized processing equipment which was developed based on the process know-how and the deep co-development programs with our valued customers. Our expert team was the key solution provider for multiple asian customers on projects of the full sapphire wafer processing automation, which help our long-term customers to cut the operators significantly while improving the yields up to 98-99%. To ensure our mission we supply the customized equipment lines equipped with proprietary sensors to ensure high reliability even in harsh industrial conditions.
Developing our footprint in industrial automation have developed state-of-the-art design of pressure sensors that are used in our own equipment items and marketed in Asia for the following industrial applications:
- industrial automation;
- oil and gas industry;
- hydraulics / pneumatics;
- pumping stations / compressors;
- chemical industry;
- water treatment;
- heating and ventilation systems.
Pressure sensors/transducers are devices for continuous monitoring of pressure values and converting the obtained data into an output signal.
Depending on the type of pressure, measuring transducers are divided into:
- Overpressure transducers.
- Absolute pressure transducers.
- Differential pressure transducers.
- Converters of vacuum pressure (discharge).
The BST pressure transmitters withstand cyclic pressure and provide outstanding performance under the severe demands of the industrial market.
The small and rugged design make them ideal for restricted space applications. The all welded steel construction is ideal for demanding industrial or heavy duty applications. They are environmentally sealed transducers that prevent contamination.
The scope of pressure transducers is determined depending on their type, measurement range, type of connection and other features of the devices.
Unit 2003, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Rd, Tsimshatsui, KL, HongKong SAR of PRC